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Those darn Italian proverbs


So I'm working on a set of various proverbs some french, italian, etc. and I found this Sicilian proverb and I'm not too fond of it: "A woman in her thirties, throw her into the sea." I guess my time is up!Have a great friday!

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starting gymnastics today at chow's (round two)!


charlotte started gymnastics last summer and loved every minute of it. This year will be more of the same except she moved up to the three + four-year old class so I don't have to bear crawl too…Since you can't take photos in the gym this will have to do :)

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Last night Stephanie, Joel, Andy + myself tried out a new hot spot in Des Moines, Americana. It was good. The city needs a few more places like Gusto, Americana, Centro + Star Bar. The menu was fun and the interior had a good vibe…we'll be back!

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I'm cuckoo for you!


I recently have been updating some designs and rounding out different lines of cards and prints. A wonderful client on etsy requested a larger print of my cuckoo clock. Here is a photo of the one I just finished and soon I'll show you one I have designed and getting ready to print!

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Getting Lucky!


I was able to work with Sarah + Chris of Luckysoda photography on creating a custom piece for mailing. You're gonna love it…

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