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a little minnesota lovin'


On a much earlier post in May I made a London broadside for my Bro, well now I'm doing another one butYou gotta keep this hush hush for a few more days since this is a birthday gift for my brother-in-law…here's a sneak peek!

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What a great site dedicated to owls - and featuring an owl card from the permanent collection.

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A snow Day!


well we've been surrounded by howling winds, super cold temps and lots of snow…what should we do today but ink up the press and have a printing party…what will you be doing today?Here's to wishing I could go out a do a little skiing…

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A nice feature by letterpress perfect


A nice feature by letterpress perfect  - a blog that uncovers wonderful letterpress work if I do say so myself.

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Don't forget! Only a few weeks to go before Valentine's Day


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