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Hello friends! I've been working with a group out of the north (Michigan + Canada) on a special edition woodtype poster for their vintage scooter group. Here is their logo, I added a scooter and will be printing some woodtype on it, not finished yet but I wanted to tell you about this cool group. Hopefully someday I can join a local chapter :)

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Red, White and Blue + You!


What are you doing to celebrate this glorious Fourth of July? We will be laying low and contemplating our wonderful freedom. Here's to a fabulous America, family, friends, sacrifice and freedom!

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getting vacation-ready!


Pretty soon we'll be heading to the mountains for a little hiking, reading, fishing, playing and visiting friends in the "city" a la Denver… here's how I'm hoping the vaca will go!

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Summer Reading


Since we'll be heading on vacation soon I've been stocking up on some summer reading. What are you reading this summer?

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Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!


It was so rainy today that we did what any good girl would do…

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