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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas…wait, no, Thanksgiving!


Hello friends, I know, I know, it isn't even Thanksgiving yet but here at havenpoolsandpatios Studio we've been doing Christmas for awhile now {and much more custom holiday printing to come} so I thought I'd' show what I've been working on, a Christmas Banquet invitation. I was able to get a new typeface (Spencerian hand) I actually learned this hand in a calligraphy class but to really master it you have to practice, practice, practice, so I did the next best thing and called local calligrapher Jean Wilson and she did all the addresses and reply card addresses,...

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Holy Craziness I have been M.I.A.!


[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5"] Hello dear friends! Geesh, has it been a crazy few weeks! Basically after I got back from Atlanta I have been exhausted and still running on high, eek, this pace HAS to got to STOP! The press has been running crazy with jobs up the yinyang- which is a good thing but doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging. Okay, so to hit the high points: Finished up the last East Village Bazaar only to get ready for Art on the Prairie (Perry, Iowa) November 12th and 13th! Come on by to see new stuff!...

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Country Living Goodness


[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5" include="1014"] Hello friends! Well I'm back from Atlanta. I went there this past weekend to participate in Country Living Magazine "Pitch Your Product." I got in a little late friday night…er early saturday morning around 1:45 am to Atlanta. Saturday I practiced my pitch (we only had a limited time to pitch) and of course went shopping! I went to all the places we don't have in Iowa: Anthropologie, Madewell, Zara, and H&M. We do have a JCrew but since I didn't have my sidekicks with me I was free to roam and try things on,...

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bits + bobs!


Hello friends! I'm headed out of town this weekend leaving the mr with the girls…he'll do great- he always does things with them like taking great day hikes, football games, outside fun, and overall good times with Dad, can't wait to hear of their adventures! I'll get to do a little shopping at two favorite stores: Anthropologie and Zara without anyone waiting on the couch while I try things on…can you believe it?! I'm also hoping to work in a pedicure- whew these toes need some sassy color for fall! I'll have a bunch of photos and recap of the...

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For Elizabeth


Hello dear friends! Recently I've been doing more custom work which is a nice break from just printing my cards and designs. This is a print I did for some great friends. Their daughter turned one and this was a special verse that they had picked for her baby dedication at church. I really love the new font called  "Brioche." Isn't the serif just lovely? I also love the color combo of the light brown and black. This is a piece Elizabeth will have her whole life (hopefully!). They are such good friends and this was joy to print…  

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