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Happy Friday + Happy Anniversary


Hello friends, I don't know about you, but this week has been crazy! The hubby was out of town on the coast all week and finally got home late last night…boy did we miss him! The upside to him being gone was that I had some really productive days this week with printing. I'll be highlighting some of the new work I produced this week and giving you a photo tour of the studio on the blog next week.We're headed to a baseball game tonight with friends, my good friend Brooke from KC is coming up so we're gonna let...

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Hotter than the A-List!


Are you hotter than the A-list? This is…a card from my "Pop" line (I will feature text from hot pop songs)! Today I thought I would show you how I actually print a card. You'll see the steps below but usually this is how it goes:1. I mix the ink2. Align the polymer plate (this allows me to print things I design digitally- I have to get a plate made of the image but then I can print it).3. Count out my paper, at this point I can pretty much tell that per inch I have about 40-50 cards…gettin' good...

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Whew! What a hot one!


Andy, the girls and I all headed down to Kansas City over the weekend. We went to see some of my old college roomies (totally like old times + kids + new homes…okay so totally different than old times!) and we had a great time. We stayed at our friends' home Tim and Michala and their lovely kids Ava and Jack– they were incredible hosts. Brooke, Brian, Dillon and Maddie hosted Mandy who flew in from Madison. Friday and Saturday we grilled-out, swam, talked and talked and talked, it was so great to catch up (for once I didn't care...

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Headed to Strawberry Swing…no, not the Coldplay kind…


What do you have planned this weekend? I'm headed to Kansas City to participate in an "indie craft fair" all day on Sunday, July 10th. I don't have alot of expectations but hoping to sell letterpress prints and cards! The other really exciting thing is that I get to see three fantastic women and hang with their families. Brooke, Michala and Mandy! We were all roomies in college (the undergrad years) we always have so much fun. We've all been busy the past few years so getting to reconnect is always fun.Here are a few photos of what I'll be...

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Hello friends! I've been working with a group out of the north (Michigan + Canada) on a special edition woodtype poster for their vintage scooter group. Here is their logo, I added a scooter and will be printing some woodtype on it, not finished yet but I wanted to tell you about this cool group. Hopefully someday I can join a local chapter :)

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