havenpoolsandpatios - Blog 2015-01-06T14:41:41-06:00 havenpoolsandpatios 2012-02-10T07:42:46-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:53-05:00 Weekly Wrap-up 2 My heart is like a fountain true that flows and flows with love to you as chirps the lark unto the tree so chirps my pretty babe to me    There is not a rose wherever I seek as comely as my baby's cheek there's not a comb of honey bee so full of sweets as babe to me   There's not a star that shines on high is brighter than my baby's eye There's not a boat upon the sea can dance as baby does to me   No silk was ever spun so fine as is the hair of baby mine My baby smells more sweet to me than smells in spring the elder tree   A little fish swims in the well So in my heart does baby dwell A little flower blows on the tree My baby is the flower to me   Ten thousand parks where deer do run Ten thousand roses in the sun Ten thousand pearls beneath the sea my babe more precious is to me.   Isn't that just perfect?? I also worked on a bike print for the boys' room haven't printed it yet but will this coming week. Well I still have a few Valentine's left so if you need  quick one before Tuesday, let me know…Have a Great Weekend!]]> 2012-02-08T08:30:22-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:52-05:00 valentine surprise… 2 [/caption]]]> 2012-02-07T08:38:47-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:44-05:00 New Furniture! 2 2012-02-03T07:43:30-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:45-05:00 Weekly round-up! 2 2012-01-23T16:10:05-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:45-05:00 House Rules! 2 2012-01-17T08:42:13-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:45-05:00 Windmill Move… 2 2012-01-06T07:20:48-06:00 2016-08-12T13:55:53-05:00 What I Wore Wednesday, Except It Was Really Monday + Now I'm Showing You Friday! 2  ]]> 2011-12-22T08:56:01-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:29-05:00 Holiday Traditions…the lights 2 2011-12-14T10:13:16-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:17-05:00 a little woodtype and orange 2 [/caption] Hello! I just got done finishing up a few custom stationary projects and thought I'd show you some of the gorgeous woodtype stationary. I have some lowercase which looks playful, fun and peppy (can't show you this one since it is a gift!) and then uppercase really old woodtype (1856) that is serifed and lovely…don't you think the polka dots really makes it?]]> 2011-12-02T08:43:51-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:16-05:00 TouchnGo Saturday! 2 We'll we've got the perfect storm brewing up this weekend. Headed to Minneapolis to pick up a Heidelberg Windmill press! Yay from a production stand point but ugh from a hauling stand point. Lot of poundage to haul. I'll be documenting the pick up and roadtrip. The forcast is calling for some  freezing rain and snow all along our route so this should be interesting…full details to come! What I am most looking forward to is my Nephew's first Birthday party on Saturday! How can be a year already little William! [gallery include="1207" link="file" order="DESC" columns="5"] Have a great friday…don't forget the shop has some great prints and I still have time for personalized stationary for gifting!  ]]> 2011-12-01T15:09:35-06:00 2016-08-12T13:55:55-05:00 Welcome Anna! 2 ]]> 2011-11-30T13:06:40-06:00 2016-08-12T13:55:55-05:00 A bicycle built for two…well, okay, not really! 2 ]]> 2011-11-28T10:05:43-06:00 2016-08-12T13:55:55-05:00 Thanksgiving 2 ]]> 2011-11-23T09:13:24-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:09-05:00 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas…wait, no, Thanksgiving! 2 Hello friends, I know, I know, it isn't even Thanksgiving yet but here at havenpoolsandpatios Studio we've been doing Christmas for awhile now {and much more custom holiday printing to come} so I thought I'd' show what I've been working on, a Christmas Banquet invitation. I was able to get a new typeface (Spencerian hand) I actually learned this hand in a calligraphy class but to really master it you have to practice, practice, practice, so I did the next best thing and called local calligrapher Jean Wilson and she did all the addresses and reply card addresses, they looked lovely. Also with these pieces I embossed the snowflakes and they look beautiful and light on the page. Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know we will with lots of family gathering together and good eats. I, like you, am so Thankful for the usual: my family, friends, great church and employment. On such a fantastic holiday thought you'd like to read this: Here's what George Washington proclaimed in 1789 for his Thanksgiving proclamation: Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness." Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be -- That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks -- for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation -- for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the tranquility [sic], union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed -- for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted -- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions -- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually -- to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed -- to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn [sic] kindness onto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord -- To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease [sic] of science among them and us -- and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best. Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789. George Washington RIGHT ON GEORGE!]]> 2011-11-11T07:06:36-06:00 2016-08-12T13:55:56-05:00 Holy Craziness I have been M.I.A.! 2 2011-10-25T08:23:33-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:56-05:00 Country Living Goodness 2 ]]> 2011-10-21T09:36:40-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:56-05:00 bits + bobs! 2 [/caption] Also for my birthday I got a new printing apron…I have two favorites— my alphabet one and this new one… [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5" include="965, 964"] Have a Great Weekend and of course, GO HAWKS!]]> 2011-10-20T10:08:40-05:00 2016-08-12T13:26:01-05:00 For Elizabeth 2 Hello dear friends! Recently I've been doing more custom work which is a nice break from just printing my cards and designs. This is a print I did for some great friends. Their daughter turned one and this was a special verse that they had picked for her baby dedication at church. I really love the new font called  "Brioche." Isn't the serif just lovely? I also love the color combo of the light brown and black. This is a piece Elizabeth will have her whole life (hopefully!). They are such good friends and this was joy to print…  ]]> 2011-10-17T10:09:38-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:56-05:00 The Sweet Life… 2 2011-10-14T08:27:11-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:57-05:00 The Big 35! 2 Well this week on Saturday I'll turn 35, can you believe it? I still feel pretty young and continue to have that attitude so hopefully I'll stay looking a little young! Anyway I had a few thoughts about turning "middle age:" • you stay young by acting young at heart (don't get too stuffy!) • who knew that I'd be running a letterpress biz, have done a stint as an assistant professor (5 years), and have such a beautiful family, sweet/cool friends = I'm truly blessed! • keep on traveling, you never know when you're gonna be done so you gotta grab the moment & travel! (I've been to a lot of fantastic places and many more yet to go!) • Big props to Jesus…my constant in this turbulent culture & life!  ]]> 2011-10-12T09:42:13-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:54-05:00 What I wore Wednesday (from last week) 2 2011-10-11T08:27:39-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:53-05:00 90 Whoa! 2 2011-10-10T14:10:31-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:50-05:00 How Do You Like Them Apples? 2 2011-10-06T09:11:47-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:47-05:00 a little something new! 2   On another note, this weekend we get to celebrate my Grandmother's 90th Birthday. The girls will get to see both of their great-grandmas. I just love seeing them and extended familly. So looking forward to a fun celebration, I'll share photos on Monday. Until then, what are your fantastic plans for this glorious fall weekend?]]> 2011-09-30T14:43:59-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:44-05:00 Fab Friday! 2 Also, this week's PCpress give-away winner is Sarah Piziali! It is always fun to meet new people through the drawing but this is an oldie but a goodie friend…congrats Sarah! This weekend the Mr.&Mrs. have a nice little date planned…and I'll be setting up at the East Village Bazaar again this Sunday Noon to 4 pm. After this Bazaar I will be gone for the next three weeks and hoping to set up at the last Bazaar on Oct. 30th, so make sure to stop by! Have a great weekend.]]> 2011-09-28T09:57:28-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:58-05:00 What-I-Wore-Wednesday! 2 Howdy! Well this isn't what I'm wearing today (it is what I wore last friday) but since this is my usual wednesday post I thought I share a fun "Closet-mining" project. So I've been trying to find ways to invent new outfits with things I already have…I know, novel idea! Anyway it was a crisp, yet a little warm last friday for "Artstop" so I thought I would liven things up with Red being my color of choice. Plus this is outfit was a "practice run" for a big pitch I have in Atlanta in October. The dress is of course an Anthropologie purchase that I told mr. mccoy I wasn't leaving the store without and for many good reasons, this dress goes with everything and is practically "seaonless" can wear it year round! The shirt was about $10 from gap and I love anything red with stripes (too many of these in my closet) The boots were a gift for getting my MFA (no, it doesn't stand for what you think it does: Master of Fine Art, my terminal degree that I worked really hard to get!) and from Austin, Texas. The white decorative elements according to some Texan friends are called "pepperin." The bracelet from local boutique Amiee, they have great, reasonably priced accessories besides cute clothing… Finally, the belt is from the coolest, most incredible little boutique in London (Fulham), England called Rosehip that my sister-in-law introduced me to when they were living just a little ways down the road from… isn't it adorable (another NOT LEAVING THE STORE WITHOUT purchase!) I could have bought the entire store.  ]]> 2011-09-27T08:01:38-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:58-05:00 Inspiration Tuesday! 2 Hello Friends! It is again Inspiration Tuesday- where I share the things I am inspired by, here they are for this week: Handwritten signs Nolan Pelletier cat illustrations (I only have one!) Pinterest, have you been there? I could spend days looking! My family: Charlotte, Gemma and Mr. McCoy Moodboards VW vans, I really want the new ones: Beautiful Calligraphy Lovely numbers What inspires you?  ]]> 2011-09-26T10:25:00-05:00 2016-08-12T13:55:58-05:00 Woodtype Overload! 2 Howdy friends! Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Mine seemed to fly-by with lots of events, friends, fun and of course, letterpress! I thought I'd start today with a little Woodtype Overload/History lesson. About two weeks ago I showed up at the annual Midwest Printer's Fair and scored some fantastic woodtype. I still need to clean it up and and sort a few things but I thought I'd show you some of the faces I purchased. I was able to get a little woodtype san serif set (yes!) so now I can do more mini things in woodtype, a superfab Slab serif (slab serifs look like rectangles at the termination of the letter) which was much needed, a cool regular 'ole san serif that is just going to be a workhorse, and finally you can see the Roman ( the one that has the "3" and looks like "Bodoni-" Bodoni is a series of serif typefaces first designed by Giambattista Bodoni in 1798. The typeface is classified as Didone modern). Only a few of you know my handle on AIM as "BodoniBabe" so of course this was awesome for me to get…The other really interesting part about the Roman face is that it is stamped with an 1859 on it so this is one of the first and oldest cut woodtype faces, can  you imagine what was printed with it, Civil War news stories?! I was hesitant at first with parting with hard earned money but really glad the Mr. told me to spring for it! Finally, I thought I'd recap the weekend for you: On Friday I had a great time at ArtStop with a display at Dornink's, I was able to browse Sarah's gorgeous dresses and way cool accessories…and had great visits from friends, fans and family. Here is a detail of the booth. The East Village Bazaar went well, a little breezy but always fun to share the letterpress love, and meet new people (next to me the booth, Casa&Co they had awesome antiques I purchased two things I couldn't pass up!) I'll be showing more this week on a variety of topics: letterpress, fashion, and etc., so check back! [caption id="attachment_720" align="alignnone" width="612" caption="detail of booth at Dornink's"][/caption]]]> 2011-09-23T07:39:00-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:37-05:00 It is Wedding Friday 2 2011-09-21T19:58:12-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:35-05:00 What I Wore Wednesday 2   Some big, possibly exciting developments came about today…have I hooked you yet? Well I might have a better sense of things in about a month and half (no, I'm not expecting!) so stayed tuned! I've been so busy printing lately that the blog has not been updated as much but I know I will get back to keep things in tip top shape in about another week. So here is what I wore on Wednesday… since it is starting to cool off, I figured I better get in the last of the light weight clothing. Amazingly the cropped jeans and mocs haven't seen the light of day since about 2009 since I was preggo and could not bend over to attempt to tie the boots nor could I fit the pants…I love post preggo closet excitement, it is like finding old friends all over again! Top: Banana Republic Short Sleeve Sweater: Anthropologie (oldie but a goodie!) Moc boots: Jcrew (about two years ago!) Cropped jeans: Old Navy Bracelets: (both gifts) the blue lapis from my super-cool mother -in-law and the leather stone one from my man who always picks out things better than I would…]]>