havenpoolsandpatios - Blog 2015-01-06T14:41:41-06:00 havenpoolsandpatios 2015-01-06T14:41:41-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:35-05:00 Downtown Des Moines 2016 Farmer's Market Dates! 2 Another great market season is here You can find me on the Southwest corner of 2nd and court ave! JUNE 25 JULY 2 ,16, 23 AUG. 20 & 27 SEPT. 17 OCT. 8]]> 2013-01-14T09:19:11-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:36-05:00 A Vintage Valentine's Day, Saturday, Feb. 9th 11am to 2 pm! Get your print on… 2 vintagevalentine]]> 2013-01-02T09:06:18-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:37-05:00 Oh How I Love Thee, let me count the ways… 2 FOURTEENYEARS Hello Friends, Today, fourteen years ago in Lendva utca 7. 8800 Nagykanizsa Hungary on January 2nd, 1999, I married my wonderful husband Andy. As with most love stories, I was young and in love with this boy (since 7th grade!) and on that snowy, REALLY SNOWY DAY we were married with lots of friends and family– 375 folks braved the terrible roads to celebrate with us (and then we headed to the balmy Cayman Islands!) Recently Andy and I have been thinking we need to have big anniversary party again soon so we can have all of the wonderful friends and family who celebrated with us so long ago all in one place, and celebrate again… God's goodness. I can't say I have all the secrets but these seem to work: 1) keep a very good sense of humor about it all; 2) serve each other in love; 3) Seize the day and love every minute you have with them because you never know…this is probably the one thing we do best. Don't wait until your sixty for that big trip…I love you Andy with all my heart. Cheers and here's to many, MANY more! Photos: wedding photos, one with plaid vest: Barber Photography Studio (Lendva utca 7. 8800 Nagykanizsa Hungary)]]> 2012-12-27T12:06:43-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:37-05:00 Christmas for my sis! 2 Tom Petty Print[/caption] I made this print for my sister out of woodtype, metal type and metal ornamental elements…she loved it. Frame from Target. #targetdoesitagain]]> 2012-05-25T17:21:17-05:00 2016-08-12T13:48:40-05:00 NSS: National Stationery Show 2014 2 Look for us this year at NSS in the same location as last year booth: 1963]]> 2012-04-11T11:48:19-05:00 2016-08-12T13:27:24-05:00 2012 Farmer's Market 2 ]]> 2012-04-11T10:03:05-05:00 2016-08-12T13:48:42-05:00 Des Moines Farmer's Market! 2 I'll be at the downtown farmer's market this summer/fall. I'll be brining new designs + inventory, so stop by and say hi! Here are the dates: May 5 June 2 June 16 July 14 July 21 August 18 August 25 September 1 October 6  ]]> 2012-04-10T07:49:48-05:00 2016-08-12T13:48:42-05:00 western edge 2 ]]> 2012-04-09T09:00:11-05:00 2016-08-12T13:48:42-05:00 goin' to the chapel… 2 What do you think? Lately I've been working away on things for the National Stationery Show (booth prep…it seems to never end! Good thing I already know that there will be people with way better and way worse booths than me, so I just need to do my own thing), applying to a few exhibitions, getting geared up for participating as an occasional vendor for The Downtown Farmer's Market (Downtown Des Moines) and a few other national possibilities…I'll keep you posted. I'll be posting a list of the dates later this week for the Farmer's Market…at that early hour, I know I'll be needing some friends to stop by the booth with fuel (i.e. more coffee!) Looking forward to summer…Ciao!]]> 2012-03-07T10:21:02-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:43-05:00 I See You… 2 A friend of mine this past week had a big birthday and so I worked secretly with her husband to create a special print that we bound into a journal for her. It was a fantastic list of all the ways her husband sees her…how cool is that? It was printed with gray and robin's egg blue on Eames 120 textured paper. Happy Birthday Stephanie!]]> 2012-03-02T07:53:05-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:44-05:00 When I Dream of Michelanglo… 2 So it is going to be a little dreary today (overcast, rainy, maybe rain/snow mix), I'm waiting for a plate to arrive so I can print something special STAT! So while I wait I thought I'd show you another view of the studio with another little tidbit and a little professional daydreaming…(I'm really good at this!) During the summers of 2000 and 2001 Andy and I were able to spend extended time in Florence, Italy…we made many wonderful Italian and American friends and when I look back at that time, it is still life-changing in every way. Living in another country over an extended period of time teaches you a lot about yourself, cultures and adaptability. Our friend that was with us, Pete, reminded us about two travel mantras that we have used throughout our travels since then: 1) High Flexibility + Low Expectations = You Win Everytime; 2) If it isn't a good time, it is probably a good story…how true on both of these. We've been dumped out on the side of downed trains in the middle of nowhere italy, delayed by "italian time," etc. While living in Florence we had many favorite spots but one of them being a dining spot called: Trattoria 4 Leoni (the four lions)  a beautiful restaurant with a delightful piazza terrace. Our first experience was hilarious, we just walked up and they had a table (usually you need reservations) and they seated us, only after we were seated did we see photos of Jack Nicholson and Bill Clinton on the walls. I immediately asked Andy if he had checked prices (those two roam at a different pace and $$$ than we do!) and alas, he had not. We were really concerned we were going to spend a fortune. But we made it through I think the minimum of courses, 3 and did okay on the price. Since then we've been back quite a few times. There many lovely places to eat in florence that aren't completely tourist overrun. It is across the Arno River so considered Oltrarno where you can find beautiful sites such as the Pitti Palace, the Santo Spirito Church (a lot of Michelangelo history went down at that church, some known, some secret!), and of course the beautiful Masaccio Frescos found in the Brancacci Chapel that are well worth the walk to find… To quote my friends, The Counting Crows song, "When I Dream of Michelangelo…" I think about the Santo Spirito, Oltrarno, of course the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and our summers in Italy… Have a Great Weekend…  ]]> 2012-02-29T12:53:58-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:44-05:00 special delivery! 2 Hello dear friends! I have been busy lately with quite a few mundane things such as ordering new rollers for a press, more paper (always more paper), new roller height gauge, and finally lighting and signage for my booth for The National Stationery Show. I've got a few projects on the books that need to be printed so just waiting for plates and finishing of designs …over the course of the next few weeks you'll see some new printed pieces. But in the meantime I thought I'd just take a few photos around the studio and tell you some funny tidbits over the next few days. Field paper has a superb representative Megan and so I have this fun little bag that says I (heart) paper! But hanging next to it is this Daily Iowan Carrier bag. I thought I'd tell you that… For about three weeks of my life I was a newspaper delivery girl- so not only do I know how to print on an old newspaper proofing press, I can get up and deliver! When Andy and I went back to graduate school at The University of Iowa in Iowa City, I was in the process of looking for a new job and interviewing and we just needed a little something coming in after selling a house, putting everything in storage, spending the summer in Europe and moving again. Our solution was newspaper delivery for the UI campus newspaper. So every morning we had to be up at 5:45 am and delivering by 6 and we had one very large apartment complex (within the complex there were probably six different buildings). Since I had a partner-in-crime it was actually kinda fun, we were able to see Iowa City early in the morning and even deliver to one very large football player. Probably the most memorable part about that job was the morning of September 11th as we watched the unfolding of 911 live on morning TV. We were back home drinking coffee after the morning delivery, and watching the Today Show when Katie Couric came on and announced that a plane had hit the first Tower and they immediately cut to footage. It was a raw and sobering morning…with as we all now know…so many lives lost that day. Eventually I found a great gig while going to graduate school and it all worked out, but I keep that delivery bag as a reminder of our time in graduate school and it reminds me that no matter what, I'm never too good for any job + a little hard work.]]> 2012-02-23T15:59:59-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:58-05:00 My Oh My! 2 2012-02-14T07:58:10-06:00 2016-08-12T13:48:44-05:00 love to you! 2 2012-01-06T10:27:51-06:00 2016-08-12T13:26:39-05:00 anniversary print 2 ]]> 2011-10-05T13:02:24-05:00 2016-08-12T13:25:46-05:00 TPC at East Village Bazaar Sundays 1 See our booth at the East Village Sunday Bazaar, October 30th 12 to 4.]]>